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Welcome to Mohel in South Florida

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Track Record

I received my certification as a mohel from Rabbi Mordekhai Sasson in 1998. In the over 20 years since then, it's been an interesting, and most satisfying role to play for so many families.

From the early years of learning on the job and refining my techniques in the areas of marker safety, absolute sterility, and overall asthetics concerns and longer term care, time has brought me to where I am today.

Emergencies still come up. Not every situation is perfect. But those who have utilized my services have had an overwhelmingly positive experience.

I do have one track record for which I thank God every day. 

I have NEVER had a baby develop an infection post-bris, or from any role I have played in his circumcision and his before-and-after care. 

Between the completely sterile technique and giving parents very thorough instructions for post-bris care, this stat has remained consistent. With Hashem's help, it should always remain at ZERO.

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